How to Help!

At BLESSED PAWS ANIMAL RESCUE we always appreciate any and all contributions of pet supplies such as:
- paper towels - laundry soap
- pee pads - cleaning supplies
- towels - blankets
- dog food - dog toys
- dog beds/sheets - metal dog bowls
- Collars/Harnesses/Leashes
If you have items you would like to donate, please send an email to blessedpawsanimalrescue@gmail.com
Thank you for caring and sharing!
How to help: Monetary

The biggest expense for our rescue is vet fees. We are very lucky to work with Atlantis-Lantana Animal Hospital who does a wonderful job for our dogs!
Our rescue dogs require more than the normal vaccinations, and that is when monetary donations are most helpful.
Our dogs would be most appreciative of any monetary donation.
If you would like to contribute to our organization: